Name *
Chris Bruneau
Age *
Office and District
Congressman, Maryland 1st District
City and County of Residence
Bel Air
Political Party *
Education *
High school Graduate
Career/Occupation *
President, Mid Atlantic Fire Restoration t/a Paul Davis Restoration
Political Experience *
Website *
Facebook Page
Public Twitter Handle
Public Instagram Handle
Public TikTok Handle
YouTube Page
Other Public Social Media Accounts
Why are you running for office? *
I am seeking the honor to serve citizens in Marylands 1st Congressional District. With my tireless energy and unswerving commitment to the United Stated Constitution, I will bring about swift and distinctive change. The time has come to end the rhetorical narratives flowing from the D.C. swamp. The United States of America is in the midst of perilous times. Throwing hate bombs back and forth, blaming one political party or the other for our failed fiscal management policies, amongst many other policy failures, has become a circuitous argument with no solutions. We are long overdue voting into Congress grass roots candidates who represent their fellow citizens.
Who do you consider your political role model, and why? *
President Ronald Reagan was my first Commander and Chief while I was in the US Army. I believe President Reagan was a great patriot dedicated to preserving our Constitutional Republic. President Reagan was a man of great wisdom who warned the country in the 1960's of an impending communist/socialist invasion. President Reagan's courage to confront leaders of enemy nations to curtail the spread socialism is unsurpassed.
What is your favorite book about politics and policy, and why? *
Politics, politics, politics. Enough already. Politics is the problem, not the solution. I read books about the United States Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, The Federalist and Anti Federalist Papers. I read books and periodicals about economics, and world history. From these readings I better understand how we arrived where we are today, and from the same can develop solutions to our challenges. I seek wisdom through reading what has been given to us by those most knowledgable.
What will be your top priority if elected? *
Constitutional amendments for congressional terms limits and balanced budget. Fiscal accountability by through oversight of US Treasury Expenditures.
What are the three biggest issues facing your district? *
Infiltration of school boards by woke policy makers. No involvement of the congressional representative in the local communities. Dysfunction and lack of unification in the republican party.
What are the three biggest issues facing Maryland? *
Infiltration of school boards by woke policy makers. Dysfunction and lack of unification in the republican party. A tax and spend Governor.
What are the three biggest issues facing our country? *
Unfettered borrowing resulting in the greatest threat to our national security. Communists thinly veiled as Democrats taking over the federal government. Usurpation of states rights by the federal government.
What is your position on life issues? (abortion, assisted suicide) *
Pro life, enough said. I think people offering assisted suicide are ghoulish. Who am I to judge someone that wants to take their own life? That is between them and their Higher power, no matter who or what that may be. Everyone will one day have to face their own mortality. i believe in predestination. Everything is going to turn out the way it was destine to occur. Whether suicide, murder, death in wars, natural causes, etc., etc., our Maker long ago knew the date of our birth and the day would be no more.
What is your position on taxes, spending, and the federal deficit? *
The two certainties in life: Death and Taxes. Further deteriorating disposable income through increased taxation will never solve our fiscal issues. A three category flat tax would simplify the tax code, eliminate the need for IRS bureaucracy, and a simplified approach to revenue forecasting. As to the deficit, pursuant the May, 2023 analysis from the US Treasury Department utilizing the Penn Wharton Budget Method (PWBM), the United States economy will collapse in 20 years at the current rate of spending. If we do not reign in the growth and spending of the federal government this will be our future.
What is your position on gun rights? *
The 2nd Amendment without equivocation gives us the right to bear arms, and is therefore a Constitutional right. Absent an amendment to the US Constitution, this will not change and states cannot strip us of this right. I own guns and believe every citizen has the right to self protection.
What is your position on the federal legalization of marijuana? *
Since when has making a mind altering substance illegal resulted in abstinence of use? The 18th Amendment never stopped people from drinking alcohol. Marijuana was not even on the government radar until the 1930's and became illegal sometime thereafter. Other substances came along and the government determined they too should be illegal. No federal or state law will ever stop people from acting on their God given free will.
What is your position on trade? *
Trade is vitally important to the economic security of our country. Exports in all major sectors of goods and services have increased in 2023. Nevertheless, I do question the exportation of energy products when they could be used domestically for greater energy independence. Nevertheless, I do understand the need for maintaining good trade relations to foster partnerships with other nations.
What is your position on foreign policy and military issues? *
The founders envisioned United States foreign policy to be the responsibility of the executive branch, As such, this country should seek a capable President and Vice President always at the ready to promote harmonious relationships with our allies. Unfortunately, the United States "buys" its overseas alliances with government subsidies to the tune of over 34 Billion every year. Buying allies and friends overseas will last until the money runs out. When the money runs out, so will the "allies". The military question asked is very broad. If I am asked my position on the subject of LGBQT and the armed forces, the simple answer is the two will not work together. Every soldier, sailor, airmen, marine, coast guardsman and space force service member voluntarily foregoes certain freedoms when they join the services. Introducing individuals requiring unique consideration into an environment mandated by obedience to orders without equivocation is inherently dangerous.
What policies would you support to fight inflation? *
Resume domestic energy production. Immediate accountability for government spending to boost market confidence in fiscal policy. Place an immediate and permanent cap on deficit spending.
What is your position on Transgender issues?
This is the United States of America and we are all free to express ourselves in any way we choose. The freedom given to transgender persons to express themselves, is the same freedom given to me to agree or disagree with choices, expressions, etc. This subject matter, like all subject matters related to our individuality and freedoms, can be resolved with a single word: Acceptance. When we begin to accept opposing view points, perspectives, etc., without demanding agreement with our personal beliefs, we will find middle ground, and the dialogue can begin.
Would you support the passage of the Human Life Amendment? *
Would you support the passage of the Balanced Budget Amendment? *
Do you support D.C. Statehood? *
Do you support retrocession of the District of Columbia into Maryland? *
Was Joe Biden legitimately elected President of the United States in the November 2020 Election? *
Do you support another round of federal stimulus payments? *
Do you support the proposed ban on TikTok? *
Do you pledge to accept the results of your election? *