Name *
Reginald Benbow
Age *
Office Sought *
House of Delegates
County *
Baltimore City
District, if applicable *
Political Party *
Education *
BA, University of Virginia; MS.Ed, Johns Hopkins University; MBA, Duke University
Career/Occupation *
Healthcare Management Consultant
Political Experience *
Volunteer on state and presidential campaigns
Social Media Accounts *
Twitter: @reginaldbenbow LinkedIn: Instagram: @reginald.benbow
Website *
Why are you running for office? *
COVID-19 and the ensuing healthcare and education crises inspired me to run. Now, more than ever, we need public leaders of my experience. I served as a classroom teacher and have worked to improve healthcare access and quality. We cannot expect different results by electing the same people every four years. I promise to be the progressive, bold, results-driven champion we need. I’ve fought for myself, I’ve fought for students, and now, I want to fight for the 43rd district.
Who do you consider your political role model, and why? *
Elizabeth Warren, a progressive legislator who advocates for structural change with a reputation for offering detailed plans.
What is your favorite book about politics and policy, and why? *
The Wretched of the Earth by Franz Fanon and A Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin. Fanon's book is classic on the intersections of race, class, colonialism and trauma. Goodwin shows why leadership matters. Lincoln was able to pass the 13th amendment, which we now take for granted, through artful politics.
What will be your top priority in office? *
Making sure that the Blueprint for Maryland's Future (Kirwin) is funded, implemented and tweaked where necessary.
What is the biggest issue facing your area? *
The educational opportunity gap: the quality of local schools and making sure that every child can receive a quality education starting with Universal Pre-K.
What are the three biggest issues facing Maryland? *
The educational opportunity gap, the digital equity gap and access to high quality healthcare.
What is your position on life issues? (abortion, assisted suicide) *
I support a woman's right to choose and Roe v Wade should be made a federal law, and protected at the state level.
What is your position on taxes and spending? *
Baltimore residents face a high tax burden given Maryland income tax and local property taxes. We deserve higher quality services in return, especially from the state: LINK bus/train and timely state payments, among many. I advocate for expanding Baltimore City's tax base through a state finance property tax holiday. Spending priorities need to be adjusted to close education and transit gaps. We should not invest in 270 toll lanes but in a regional transit system for the Baltimore area.
What is your position on gun rights? *
The current gun laws in Maryland are sufficient.
What is your position on the legalization of marijuana? *
Marijuana should be legalized and taxed to generate revenue, with special attention paid to repay Black communities harmed by mass incarceration.
What is your position on the current three-tiered system for the sale and distribution of alcohol? *
The class A-D system of licenses for beer, wine and liquor makes sense. However, there should be greater equity in the distribution of licenses for minority and women owned businesses.
What is your position on land use, growth, and development? *
I support sustainable, environmentally friendly "smart growth" land use and development. Projects that contribute to sprawl and global warming should not be approved.
What is your position on crime and public safety? *
Youth crime: improve school truancy metrics to make sure teens are in school learning and not in neighborhoods Violent crime: improve interagency coordination to target and arrest violent offenders and crime bosses Police reform: there should be a statewide registry of police misconduct incidents
What is your position on county tax caps? *
The current 10% annual increase limit provides counties the flexibility they need.
For candidates for the General Assembly: Legislators can receive $101 per day for lodging and $47 per day for meals during the 90-day General Assembly session. If elected, do you plan to accept these benefits? Why or why not?
I plan to accept the meal per diem. However, for lodging I would travel from Baltimore.
Was Joe Biden legitimately elected President of the United States in the November 2020 Election? *
Do you pledge to accept the results of your election? *