Name *
Samuel Ronan
Age *
City and County of Residence *
Lancaster Fairfield
Political Party *
Education *
Associates, OSHA 10
Career/Occupation *
Commissioning Specialist
Political Experience *
DNC Chair Candidate 2017, US House OH-1 2018 REP, US Senate 2021 Green
Website *
Facebook Page
Public Twitter Handle
Public Instagram Handle
Public TikTok Handle
YouTube Page
Other Public Social Media Accounts
Why are you running for President? *
I want to fight for the American People, the regular citizen to prove once and for all that we can control our own destinies and futures. In doing so we can hold the corrupt and wealthy accountable for their actions, restructure our government to serve our needs, and truly embody the spirit of democracy that we so desperately lack as a nation
Who do you consider your political role model, and why? *
Julius Caesar, because as a leader he lead from the front, earned the trust of his people, and fought for them his entire life. Even upon his death he redistributed his considerable wealth the people of Rome! His lasting legacy persists over 2,000 years after his death. That kind of legacy is not an accident but indicative of strong leadership, and vision. I hope that my efforts in politics could measure in some small way to benefit the nation, and possibly the world long after my time in the Oval Office.
What is your favorite book about politics and policy, and why? *
War is a Racket, specifically because it highlights the corruption of our government, and the fact that it still persists to this very day makes the issues of yesterday just as relevant to today. If we cannot learn from our past mistakes we are doomed to repeat them. When those mistakes hold all of the power of our nation then we must needs take those reigns of power back! To me that is the fundamental message of the book!
What will be your top priority if elected? *
Economic and Labor Reform. Naturally this will include Universal Programs: Healthcare, Education, Housing, and Pay, which segues into Social Justice policy such as: Women's Rights, LGBTQIA+ Rights, and Indigenous Rights. In order to change the way our economy operates we have to look at the fundamental flaws in our current systems Those flaws are predominantly forcing the poor and disenfranchised to suffer while the priveleged continue to prosper. The marginalized communities are the ones that are hit the hardest. Therefore any discussion about Economic or Labor Reforms must address the needs of minority groups first, then discuss the macro implications of those resolutions. I discuss all of this in great detail with the 4 tabs on the home page:
What are the three biggest issues facing our country? *
Nationally the 3 Biggest Issues are: Economy, Health Care, and Social Justice.
What is your position on life issues? (abortion, assisted suicide) *
Those 2 specifically, and other medical issues that have divisive opinions, boils down to this simple fact: Religion plays a role in the individual ethics and morality of a MEDICAL procedure, science does not. If an individual is ethically or morally ok with: assisted suicide, abortions, transitioning, etc. then that is THEIR choice, and the medical field should honor that choice, have safe procedures, and facilities to perform them. Having politicians or medical professionals force their beliefs and values on patients is an infringement of the patients 1st amendment rights, and violates the Hippocratic oath besides.
What is your position on taxes, spending, and the federal deficit? *
I go into much deeper detail on the website, but the overall summary is that our economic system is not designed to work for the citizen. The Social Contract only favors the powerful and elite. Therefore my position is to eliminate the current system entirely and rebuild it from a foundation of supporting, empowering, and enabling the masses or worker. * 0 Payroll Taxes for all incomes under $100,000 * Total Elimination of tax write-offs that aren't dependents, and self * No cap on SSN and Medicare Taxation (Current cap is $155,000) * 100% Payroll tax on incomes $1,000,000,000 * Elimination of all tax cuts made for the wealthy and immediate demand of repayment * 100% Taxation on all incomes/profits held offshore * 50% mandatory profit sharing from corporations to their hourly employees * Full legalization of Cannabis and hemp with current taxation rates * Cut all inflated Military's spending and invest instead in our serving members through quality of life and infrastructure improvements * Redirect Federal Spending to facilitate at cost Universal Programs for Education and Health Care There are more things that I list on the website, but these provisions alone will account for a net Surplus in tax revenues for the Federal Budget while eliminating a significant amount of waste, and easing the burden of taxation on the working class, regardless of location, dramatically. This in turn allows for more spending of liquid incomes, savings, or investments of the working class directly, which will result in greater revenues for corporations and the government, which in turns pays dividends to workers. In other words, the above positions alone would enforce true Trickle Down Economics, and allow cyclical economic growth for the masses rather than wealth extraction by the wealthy
What is your position on gun rights? *
Ownership Guidelines Purchasing Only authorized vendors may sell firearms and must be utilized to facilitate the sale or transfer of firearms between private parties To allow the continued operation of Gun Shows, and similar public events, authorized vendors must be present to facilitate the sale of firearms and ammunition as either intermediaries or the final point of sale in which profits are given to the vendor In order to purchase a firearm, or ammunition the following provisions must have been met Have unexpired firearms training for the weapon/ammo being purchased Have unexpired firearms license for the firearm/ammo sought Be 18 years or older Undergone a psychiatric assessment for suicide, trauma, PTSD, or other high risk mental and emotional health disorders, from a licensed Psychiatrist within 30 days of purchase Registered with the Local Militia Have proof of purchase of safety mechanism and/or storage device for firearm and ammunition Training Training shall be held by Local Militia, the ATF, or Military CATM Instructors Training shall be relevant and specific to the classification of firearms being taught For example, there shall be classes for pistols, that are solely for the education in proper handling of the various types of pistols, and include no other firearms classification as part of the training. Training for ammunition shall be separate from firearms training but specific to the type of ammunition being licensed For example, there shall be different classes for hollow point rounds, Armor Piercing Rounds, etc. that shall include proper handling, storage, and legal usage Training must include the intended firearm and at least 1 form of ammunition for that firearm within 12 months of application for a license In order to acquire training, trainees must Undergo a psychiatric assessment for suicide, trauma, PTSD, or other high risk mental and emotional health disorders, from a licensed Psychiatrist within 30 days of class start Register with the Local Militia Concealed Carry Training shall be required and specific for each type of firearm being sought to conceal carry, transport in inconspicuous containers Licensing In order to acquire a license prospective gunowners must Complete training in the respective firearms class, and at least 1 ammunition class Undergo a psychiatric assessment for suicide, trauma, PTSD, or other high risk mental and emotional health disorders, from a licensed Psychiatrist within 30 days of purchase Register with the Local Militia Have no violent criminal history Have Liability Insurance Undergo National Use of Force Training Undergo National Self Defense Training Pay the License fee which shall be set Nationally, with public display of the costs of each type of firearms and ammunition license fee Licenses shall be nationally recognized Open Carry shall be nationally recognized of licensed firearms owners Concealed Carry license holders shall be nationally recognized within the parameters of the Conceal Carry Firearm Provisions for the respective firearm Any violation, or failure to acquire licensing shall be treated as an act of domestic terrorism, illegal arms procurement, and other applicable laws National Use of Force Standards There shall be established 3 tiers of Use of Force enforced by the Federal Government and shall be recognized by all States, Territories and sovereign lands of the US Use of Force Standards for the Military shall apply equally to the entire DoD and be further separated for CONUS, OCONUS, and deployed locations No use of force protocols shall violate Human Rights Use of Force Standards for Law Enforcement Agencies shall apply equally across all levels of government, and be further separated for Civilian Interaction, Non-Civilian Interaction This means community facing law enforcement activities shall have significantly higher standards, as outlined in Criminal Justice Reform Non-Civilian Standards shall closely follow military standards with the additional burden of adhering to Criminal Justice Reforms Use of Force Standards for Civilians shall always follow the following provisions: De-escalation must be attempted in all circumstances Duty to Retreat or Protect Duty to retreat when in Public when your life, limb, or eyesight is not in imminent danger Duty to protect when your life, limb, or eyesight or that of a another is in imminent danger No duty to retreat when in your: home, vehicle, or place of employment Use of Force Standards must be used across all spectrums governed by it but may used against any person in violation of endangering the public, an individual, or themselves An example of this would be that a civilian may use up to lethal force against a Law Enforcement Officer, who is threatening the life, limb or eyesight of a detained person without legal consequences Establishment of Local Militia Entities The 2nd Amendment explicitly states: “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”, wherefor the National Guard, Reserves, and to a degree Law Enforcement Agencies have designated as such throughout the course of our nation’s history. This provision shall officially establish the provisions of creating a Militia, regulate the Militia, and govern the jurisdiction, command structure, and authority over the Militia Creating a Militia Henceforth a militia shall exist in every county in the United States of America Funding for the Militia shall be provided by the Federal Government and serve as a citizen registry of firearms owners The Militia shall work with local Law Enforcement Agencies to conduct training, maintain records of training, licensing, and other required records Jurisdiction, Authority of, and Authority Over the Militia The Jurisdiction of the Militia shall only be within the boundaries of the county it belongs to, until or unless activated by the POTUS Militia shall have responsibility and ownership of firearms training, licensing, and other required records keeping Funding shall be part of the Defense Spending Budget to ensure staffing, and infrastructural needs are met for data collection and storage Registered Militia shall be called upon to mobilize against a threat to the Security of a Free State and shall not be activated under any other circumstances For circumstances in which the activation of the militia is a matter of national security or imminent invasion the Authority to activate the Militia, in part or whole, shall rest with the President of the United States The Militia shall only be activated as a final and last resort against a national security threat, or upon invasion by an enemy power Total Force Mobilization of the Military shall never include the Militia unless on US Sovereign Land specifically Should the militia be activate, all members of the militia shall be considered Junior Enlisted members, eligible for promotion to higher ranks based on qualifications, experience, or previous military service
What is your position on the federal legalization of marijuana? *
Decriminalization of Drugs All laws related to criminalizing the use or possession of illegal or controlled substances shall be nullified, and persons convicted under these laws shall be freed, their records expunged, and all rights, privileges, and freedoms restored Impacted citizens shall also receive compensation for reintegration into society at the rate of $55,120/year prorated to the amount of time spent behind bars, on probation, or otherwise dealing with the financial, and social fallout of possession or use charges Rehabilitation Centers shall be integrated into the Medical Industry in addition to provisions outlined in the Criminal Justice Reforms Additionally, safe consumption centers shall be established for recovering addicts Bars, and establishments that offer alcohol, shall institute a strict 1 alcoholic beverage/hour rule Ending Cannabis Prohibition Recreational use Cannabis, or products containing any amount of THC, shall taxed, and governed in the same manner as alcohol or tobacco at the federal level Personal growth of cannabis shall be allowed Becoming a licensed distributor of Cannabis products shall follow the same rules as establishing an LLC within the state the prospective distributor resides, or intends to do business For online businesses, federal standards of safety must be adhered to Reinstating Hemp Production into the Economy Hemp related agriculture shall be integrated, at scale to the US economy and be taxed at a blanket rate of 20% As of 2021 the price/lbs of Flower, Grain, and Fiber yields were as follows: $39.60 for flower $1.51 for grain $1.50 for fiber These rates shall continue to be utilized, allowing for natural market trends Potential yields at the proportionate rate of total harvest landmass occupied per hemp product planted, or harvested, per yield are as follows: 180,168,991,930.94 pounds Utilized Product Floral % of total harvest 39,941,949,960.05 pounds Utilized Product Grain % of total harvest 303,528,327,916.05 pounds Utilized Product Fiber % of total harvest $7,650,296,916,779.02 Total Value of Utilized Production $1,530,059,383,355.80 Federal tax income (20% blanket tax rate) $6,120,237,533,423.21 Net profit for hemp products There is a very real possibility that Hemp can generate $1.5 trillion in revenues per harvest, up to several harvest per year, and should be explicitly reintegrated into our nations economy
What is your position on trade? *
Overall, my goals with foreign trade are to engage in good faith trade practices with any foreign power that meets at a minimum: Human Rights Social Rights Civil Rights Military Restraint Economic Fairness This is a broad answer, but for the purpose of this response my intent would be to withhold trade from nations that engage in inhumane activities, terrorism, drug trafficking, or are overly aggressive towards their neighbors, or outright causing conflict. We need to start promoting peace and cooperation in the world, not fomenting war. This necessarily includes a dramatic reduction in arms trade by the US.
What is your position on foreign policy and military issues? *
Force Structure National Defense Initiatives National Defense priorities must revolve around resolving military intervention, involvement, and engagement with the fewest civilian casualties, and within a period of 12 months Engagements that exceed 12 months must have provisions to de-escalate or allow for culmination of events with a specific timeline Research and development of cyber warfare, and defense systems to prepare for the future of military conflict Research and development of anti-missile, anti-nuclear, and anti-biochemical systems Reduction of global nuclear arsenals De-radicalizing home grown domestic terrorist originations, and prevention of domestic terror organizations Military Base Spending Modernize all military facilities with fiber optic internet, and clean energy power sources respective to their geolocation Improve quarters, facilities, and other working spaces to meet modern construction standards Establish, or expand medical services, childcare services, base housing, and barracks Military Personnel Spending, Standards Promotion Qualifications Implement new criteria for becoming a commissioned officer with the following Must have achieved enlisted rank of E5 and held it for a period of 2 years or more Recommendation from unit Recommendation from commander All current commissioned officers shall be considered grandfathered into the officer corps but must obtain unit and commander recommendations for promotion in addition to existing promotion criteria established by the DoD and the respective departments Promotions into the NCO and CO corps shall have leadership, and skilled paths to take In order to qualify for positions of leadership, prospects must Have leadership experience Be able to earn the respect of their peers Be able to lead by example Be capable of handling leadership tasks and responsibilities Must be willing to promote others above and beyond their own station In order to qualify for skilled positions, prospects must Meet technical proficiencies Be able to train subordinates Be able to direct subordinates Be able to perform at a skill level or rank 1 higher than their own Must be willing to promote others above and beyond their own station Performance Reviews Performance reviews shall be designed to reflect the promotion path the servicemember has chosen to pursue Servicemembers may change their career path direction after a performance review has been given Performance Reviews for junior enlisted, and junior officers shall default to Skilled Path Criteria set for each version of review shall be universal across the DoD Criteria that are generic across the DoD shall be Meets, or Does not Meet Criteria that are no relevant to the version of review shall be Meets, or Does not Meet For example technical proficiency for a leadership review shall be Meets, or Does not Meet Fitness Standards Fitness Standards shall be relevant to the career field the servicemember is in Fitness Standards shall take age into consideration at 5-year intervals not 10 Fitness Tests shall be administered too all military personnel regardless of rank, duty, or responsibility, allowing for excusals, or medically approved adjustments Acclimation standards shall be expanded for a period of 12 months Evaluation and research shall be continuously conducted to determine long term effects of serving in different climates, elevations, etc. Deployment Readiness There shall be a separation of CONUS and OCONUS support structure CONUS servicemembers in non-critical fields shall be restructured into non-deployable personnel, and services OCONUS servicemembers shall all be considered Deployable assets, and must adhere to deployment readiness standards To ensure fairness in our deployment structure, OCONUS servicemembers who have deployed shall be given priority to transfer to CONUS duty stations To ensure fairness in our deployment structure, any CONUS servicemembers may volunteer for deployment rotations but shall never be mandated Deployment readiness documentation shall be kept and maintained in a digital format standard across the DoD Issued Equipment When determining combatant needs in a warzone, or deployed location, safety shall take top priority All personnel shall be issued high quality gear for their respective deployment needs Development of higher quality protective equipment shall be the ongoing mission of military research and development whether within the DoD or from private contractors Liability shall always be borne by the entities who developed the product Uniform allowances shall be increased to $500/year Requirements for uniform issuance shall be standard across the DoD Being mandated to don a uniform that isn’t normally required for a service member shall be issued to the service member, at no charge. Military Benefits GI Bill The Gi Bill shall once again be allowed to be Cashed out for the cost of 4 years of Full Time Tuition at a public institution, or $48,000 whichever is greater Be converted into a down payment for a home loan at a rate of 25% the value of the loan, or $48,000 whichever is greater Be converted into a down payment for a business loan at a rate of 25% the value of the loan, or $48,000 whichever is greater Be transferred to a dependent, regardless of years of service Have no expiry date Shall be retroactively reinstated to service members who have lost their GI Bill privileges Shall be retroactively granted to servicemembers or surviving NOK who were denied the GI Bill for reasons other than discharge status, or active-duty time Retirement The 401k for life shall receive a base 25% contribution of base pay from the DoD Additionally, the DoD shall match 100% of servicemember elected contributions Servicemembers may elect up to 25% of their base pay, so long as they can prove to their respective Finance Department, all personal expenses can still be met 20 years of service shall allow for a guaranteed pension at 50% of the highest base pay earned 40 years of service shall allow for a guaranteed pension at 100% of the highest base pay earned Every year beyond 20 years of service shall accrue 2% additional pension, cumulatively until the 40-year mark at 100% total pension Servicemembers may draw from their 401k for life and pension should they meet the necessary requirements for a pension Housing Rental properties, and other off base housing entities must offer fair market value to military personnel regardless of known BAS, or BAH funds a servicemember should receive Childcare Services All military installations must provide onsite child care services, or fully cover the cost of childcare for service members Service members, must select child care providers from an approved list set forth by the local military housing office Veterans Benefits, VA All veterans who have served at least 1 full contract shall receive full access to the VA including, medical, dental, vision, and mental health for life The VA shall receive funding sufficient to expand its network and personnel to accommodate the increase of eligible veterans The VA Shall offer shelter, and care to all veterans Homeless veterans who are taking shelter may receive 3 meals from VA dining facilities at no cost Veterans who suffer from chronic homelessness shall be assigned case workers to help establish stable financial status All servicemembers who suffer from PTSD, or other deployment related hardships shall receive no less than a 50% rating from the VA
What policies would you support to flight inflation? * The main way to fight inflation is to fight against white collar crime, and abuse of the federal reserve or interest rates by the government. The nuance is that price gouging is what typically starts inflation, which is bolstered by unfettered printing of currency and artificially changes to interest rates which predominantly hurts lower incomes than business interests. Stopping those practices, and holding those responsible criminally accountable will do the most in combatting inflation
What is your position on Transgender issues?
I do not have all the answers but I believe in terms of discriminations, gender affirmation surgeries, and social justice, these are all protected under the 14th Amendment and should be protected as such.
Would you support the passage of the Human Life Amendment? *
Would you support the passage of the Balanced Budget Amendment? *
Do you support D.C. Statehood? *
Do you support retrocession of the District of Columbia into Maryland? *
Was Joe Biden legitimately elected President of the United States in the November 2020 Election? *
Do you support another round of federal stimulus payments? *
Do you support the proposed ban on TikTok? *
Do you pledge to accept the results of your election? *