Cox Campaign Back to Making Spelling Mistakes
The more things change, the more they stay the same
Dan Cox and his campaign’s challenges with the English language have been prolific, as we have documented on numerous occasions.
Well, it’s happened again. This time, for a flier for the “America and Maryland First Election 2022 Annapolis Town Hall.” Whatever that is.
Here’s a closeup
In case you could not keep track of the myriad of errors here, let’s recap.
It’s Michael Peroutka, not “Michael Perouka”
It’s Brian Chisholm. not “Brian Chisolm”
It’s Berney Flowers, not “Bernie Flowers”
It’s Dana Schulze, not “Dana Schulz”
It’s Elks Lodge, not “Elk’s Lodge”
Hilariously, Cox posted an updated version of this later. With some, but not all of the spelling corrections fixed. It also removed the name of Anne Arundel County Council candidate Dawn Pulliam, who was on the original version.
Did the Cox campaign create this? Is this a Cox Campaign event? Who knows because there is no contact information on this. There is no authority line on this. Who is putting this on? We don’t even know, but we can only assume it is either the Cox campaign or one of the clubs closely associated with Cox such as the the clubs that hosted two debates this week.
The most interesting thing about this is that it gives us an idea of which candidates are supporting Cox’s fakakta campaign.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.