Cox Chickens Out of Chamber of Commerce Interview
The Bubble Boy of Cascade Continues to Insulate Himself Before the Primary
Dan Cox was supposed to be interviewed today by the Maryland Chamber of Commerce. But much like last week’s forum at the Maryland Municipal League, Cox bailed out of the interview at the last second.
Multiple sources have confirmed that Cox was scheduled to appear but, much like in Ocean City, he called to beg off shortly before the interview with no explanation given.
Cox has now bailed out of the Chamber of Commerce interview, he bailed out of the Maryland Municipal League forum, he refused to appear on MPT, he refused to complete the Baltimore Sun candidate questionnaire, and he refused to answer Maryland Matters question about his first 100 days. Seems like the only media that Cox has done was an interview on Channel 45 where Cox seems completely disconnected from reality, mispronounces the name of the Baltimore City State’s Attorney and seemingly comes out for the legalization of pot.
That’s about it. Cox has been practically retreating to his bubble at this point, only appearing before friendly “media”, in front of friendly crowds, and with friendly candidates.
That is no recipe for winning any election, much less a primary campaign where he is an underfunded underdog.