Foxwell delighted in hurting people, good people whose only offense was being honest, hard working and doing right by common folks. I have been calling him Franchot's consigliere and top lieutenant of the Capo Regime for almost two years as he did in a close friend of mine and committed perjury in the civil case. Like many Democrats he had a lust for power. I also told people about his issues with women. Yes, there are more. I can tell you that the sighs of relief went out in the Treasury, Tax And Data Center buildings when he got clipped. He's a power hungry arrogant ass who Karma was not kind to.

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Prayers for his wife and children. As for Mr. Foxwell, well my mother always said if you can't say something nice don't say anything.... I have no words for Mr. Foxwell.

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Natasha? Wow, just wow. Even his choice of a mistress shows what a loser he is. I could not for the life of me figure out why Franchot endorsed Natasha. Now I know why. I honestly figured it was Franchot who must have been sleeping with her. But close enough.

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obviously has a lot in common with Bill Clinton—to quote Crooked and senile Joe...”come on, man”

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It’s odd, I knew him when he was in his 20’s and he was a staunch, young republican. I knew his father well and he was a good, compassionate man. Lenny however was always smug, and thought he was better than those around him, including myself. I often wondered why he switched over to the Democratic Party. While I wish no ill will on another person....you reap what you sow. Good riddance Lenny.

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What’s weak is you commenting on a situation without using your real name using second hand information that you don’t have ANY independent knowledge of ! Whoever has sent you has set you up for failure, sweetheart- Abort mission because I’ll embarrass you every time ! If you’re so concerned about ruining a woman’s life- do the decent thing and mind your business instead of poking the bear because this can get a LOT worse !

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Can’t wait to get back to the U.S from a long vacation in Jamaica to find this Bryan fuck and embarrass him. Lenny is a great person and so is his family.

You’re not half the man Lenny is... mind your own business maggot

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Uhh he was rehired so you might want to do some more research.

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Sad. Very sad.

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