Kagan Owns Stock in Three Vax Companies
The Democrats Culture of Corruption in Annapolis rolls on
Early this week, our Christopher Faircloth wrote about Senator Cheryl Kagan’s legislation to eliminate the rights of parents in the vaccination of their children.
Well, we might have a little more insight into that.
Where things get interesting is if you look at the most recent Financial Disclosure Statement for Sen. Kagan, filed 3/22/22. At that time Sen. Kagan disclosed that she owned stock in only 3 companies:
Novavax Inc – advertises itself as the “new era of vaccines”. It has a COVID-19 vaccine on the market and has a pipeline of vaccines that includes influenza, RSV and MERS.
Emergent Biosolution – manufactures a small pox vaccine and cholera vaccine. It has a pipeline that includes an influenza vaccine, quine encephalitic VLP vaccine, Marburg vaccine, and lassa fever vaccine.
Aptevo Theraeutics – pipeline company focused on therapeutics.
This brings a lot more context as to the “why” Kagan is going to these lengths to take away parental rights and just further proof that the Maryland Democrats Culture of Corruption continues to churn on.