I don’t usually post feedback that I get from any of the pieces I write here at The Duckpin. But sometimes, the feedback is too good to pass up.
Judith writes:
You must be kidding when you say that Trump has damaged our (GOP) brand forever! REally?? I do not think so.
I didn’t actually say it is damaged forever. I said it could be.
This was actually one of the more positive pieces of feedback I received.
Lynn writes:
GOP is damaged goods and may not be salvageable. Many GOP members have been called RINOs - Republican in Name Only. People who have been called that are primarily globalists who really only care about where their funding is coming from and have no desire to spend it as the American Public elected them to spend, but rather in ways that are self fulfilling.
These RINOs are represented by publications such as the duckpin.
Please immediately stop sending me your subscription.
You RINOs have done nothing for this country and need to be stopped.
You may have helped stop Trump temporarily but he's not done.
You allowed the dems to cheat. You cheated the whole country for your greed.
Don’t spend too much time analyzing that one, there are a number of logic holes on that one. Again, this is one of the problems you have when you rely on getting your source data only from biased, insular publications that do not see the world the way it actually is.
Chris writes:
To whom it may concern-
the thing you fail to understand is that people are sick of career politicians, the ones that you speak of being the traditional GOP party or the other party- the ones that never do anything they say they are going to do - the ones that are for sale by big business - is your dislike for Trump b/c you and other party members dont control him? If the GOP party had another better candidate then why didnt they run in 2016 or 2020 ? same for the dems. We / me are so sick of watching you whinny ass little btiches on TV that we are willing to support a reality TV show hero like Trump b/c atleast he is something different from your typical bull#*#* - he has many flaws but at least honesty is not one of them - you on the other hand are exactly whats wrong with politics - your entire article you start every paragraph with "this is the fault of"- blaming others for things - more whinny ass little bitches like you is what we dont need . take me off your email list now
The irony of a Trump supporter calling anybody else whiny when Trump has been whining non-stop for over four years as President is hilarious.
I also haven’t been on broadcast TV in ten years.
Also: "he has many flaws but at least honesty is not one of them” is an amazing sentence and one I’m terrified people actually believe.
Jordan says:
Trump 2020, you are the black stain of the GOP.
I would agree that Trump’s candidacy was a black stain on the GOP, but I highly doubt that is what Jordan meant….
But I did want to end on a positive note. James wrote:
Finally! Somebody willing to proclaim that the emperor has no clothes!
Yes, the GOP brand is damaged, but with people like you, not forever.
I’m not suggesting that I am the be-all and end-all here; there are many others who are in a good position to help rebuild the party and reorient it toward conservative policies and candidates. But the debate because Trumpism and conservatism will define the course of the GOP’s future.