One Pasadena's Joe McCarthy Moment
Debi Jasen submitted her enemies list to the Anne Arundel County Council. She and her minions at One Pasadena have become a menace to society.
One Pasadena’s Debi Jasen appeared before the Anne Arundel County Council in October and submitted a list of over 600 of her “enemies” to the County Council.
Jasen went to the County Council and submitted a list of people who were “participating” in a campaign to disparage a transgender child and a well-respected teacher.” While Jasen issued a disclaimer before he remarks that she was speaking on behalf of herself, considering she is the HBIC (Head Bigot in Charge) of One Pasadena, her anti-Christian bigotry toward others has become ingrained as a key part of One Pasadena’s ethos.
Their crime, by the way? Liking a post on Facebook. Debi Jasen copied the names of every Facebook account that liked a specific post, and submitted it to the County Government as a group of “known bigots.”
Ironically, Jasen made her statement that Will Hoard is “an amazing teacher the same day the now-disgraced Hoard was placed on administrative leave for inappropriate contact with students.
Jasen made it a point to stop and shake the hand of Anne Arundel County Health Officer and Baltimore County resident Dr. Nilesh Kalyanaraman.
Of course, given Kalyanaraman’s history of bigoted remarks, it should be no surprise that a fellow bigot like Jasen would be friendly toward him.
I’m curious if Steuart Pittman agrees with Jasen’s enemies list.
The list, which is available below, is a disorganized mess of a list, in tiny font, and in a disorganized manner that makes it virtually impossible to find anybody on it. It has no order, no rhyme, and no reason to it, but Jasen thinks that it is a list of people part of some “grand conspiracy” to “defame” a student and a now disgraced and fired teacher.
As a reminder, One Pasadena has not apologized for defending Willa Hoard for their behavior.
As a reminder, Jasen’s bigotry and hatefulness towards the religious and the unborn is well documented.
But let’s move past Jasen’s bigotry for a second. Who the hell does Debi Jasen think she is for submitting her personal enemies list to the County Council? She accused over 600 people, on the record, of being bigots who were harassing a now-fired teacher and a student. Some of the people on that list include public figures and business owners, most of these are innocent civilians. They are people who mind their own business, many of whom have children at Chesapeake High School. Their crime of liking a Facebook post has not put them on an enemies list submitted to their local government and potentially the target of violent retribution.
And how the media and nobody else has reported on what Jasen did at this meeting is totally ridiculous.
What kind of totalitarian nonsense is that?
What is clear is that Debi Jasen and One Pasadena are completely out of control. They have let their opposition to racism blind them to their own bigotry and hatred. Instead of promoting their cause, they are doing severe harm to it. Instead of becoming a positive on society, Jasen and her minions have become a menace to it.
The list is below.