The Death Cult's Day Out
Both the Medical Suicide and the Abortion Lobby have their day in the sun tomorrow. This is not a coincidence
Multiple aspects of the death cult are converging on Annapolis on Tuesday to bring attention to some of the most sickening pieces of legislation before the Maryland General Assembly.
First off, Compassion and Choices (formerly the Hemlock Society) is having their Lobby Day before the General Assembly.
Compassion and Choices is lobbying for the “End of Life Options Act” which means trying to make sure as many elderly folks are coerced into assisted suicide as humanly possible.
Compassion and Choices was formed in 2007 as the successor to the more honestly named Hemlock Society.
The Hemlock Society, named as a reference to the famed suicide of Socrates, was founded in 1980. Its founder, Derek Humphry, stated that any assistance in one’s suicide should not be a crime and that alternate views of the “dying process” “must not trump the autonomy of the dying person’s own decisions.” Dr. Jack Kevorkian embodied this radical view of “autonomy” and the right to suicide. After Kevorkian’s public actions, in defiance of Michigan laws among others, states like Maryland affirmed their laws against assisted suicide. It is little wonder then that the current physician-assisted suicide movement seeks to rebrand itself to move past its Kevorikian past.
Likewise, proponents of physician-assisted suicide seek to avoid the term “suicide” itself. According to the Compassion and Choices website, what they propose is not physician assisted suicide at all even though the bill specifically allows a physician to prescribe a lethal dose of medication that a patient self-administers to end their own life. Such absurd semantics are beyond Orwellian and demonstrate the fundamental lack of candor of this movement.
We’ll talk more about the bill when we get closer to the hearing.
Not to be outdone by the suicide cult, tomorrow is the abortion cult’s day in the sun too as House Bill 705, the Constitutional Amendment to place Abortion in the Maryland Declaration of Rights, is heard in the House Health and Government Operations Committee.
It is not a coincidence that these two things are occurring on the same day. Both issues draw the same kind of myopic, misanthropic supporters who think that life is not worth living. The people who think a baby is a hindrance instead of a blessing. The kind of people who think dying with dignity is taking a pill to snuff out your light instead of working to spend as much time loving life and the people in it.
The Death Cult is a people who lack hope and need our prayers. But it is important to understand who will be lobbying for these issues in Annapolis tomorrow.