Politics IS a toxic mix of Popularity, Money (i.e. voice), and Competition. That's part of the reason republicans have a history of losing ground, and caving in.

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As a Phil Gramm, Steve Forbes, Ron/Rand Paul kind of guy, I'd like to think you're right, but what are you basing that on?

Can you name a small-government, free-market conservative who has a chance of winning the presidency? I just named several who went down in flames. Can you name a single government program that R's have eliminated when they held power? I can name a whole lot of them that they've created and expanded.

Look, we live in a democracy. The majority will always be on the side of sticking it to the better-off minority. And now that Wall Street and Silicon Valley have gone woke, what's the political purpose in protecting the D's donor base? They want socialism, let them get it good and hard.

Speaking politically, Team Red would do well to steal the economic populism ball and run with it. Leave the Dems but nothing but racial grievances and toxic Wokeism and see how far that gets them.

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