The Runback: The Duckpin at 3
Welcome to another week of The Runback. Have you been enjoying The Duckpin? Do you have comments or suggestions? Do you want to write for us? Let me know at And please be sure to follow on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. Thanks in advance.
News and Politics
No Truth Here: A statement from Lt. Governor Aruna Miller highlights the issues with "gender-affirming care"
John not the First Angelos to Flirt With a Run: There was a time, after all, when Peter Angelos was popular
Trump is F*cked: The Evidence is Piling Up Against the Ex-President
The Monday Thought
Three years ago last Thursday, The Duckpin celebrated its third birthday. As I wrote then:
And fun is the reason why we’re trying this experiment. I don’t want to regurgitate what I’ve said before, but prior projects lost the fun element. Writing is an enjoyable (and frankly, cathartic) exercise for me. I enjoy putting stuff out there. I enjoy sharing my opinions about things, no matter how many people don’t like what I have to say (and, let me say, that’s an extensive list). This is fun for me. If it’s not fun, why bother?
We’ve done that in spades. But yes, it is harder and harder these days to come up with interesting things to write about. There are only so many things to say about Donald Trump. There are only so many problems that keep repeating themselves to point out. But more importantly, there are only so many hours in the day.
I mentioned back in January that The Duckpin is now part of Egoskor LLC. Egoskor owns The Duckpin, but also owns Old Line Wiffle and Stubborn Narwhal. Those interests have, admittedly, distracted me from writing. As has, you know, parenthood, which is more important than writing ever will be.
It has also provided content, as OLW games have been airing on The Duckpin YouTube channel.
But as we get closer to the Election, closer to the baseball postseason, closer to football season, the more things there will be to say. The more things there will be to write.
There are a couple of writing projects that are lined up for the near future. Including, for the first time ever, Presidential Candidate Surveys for 2024 for candidates from every party imaginable. Not just the candidates you have heard of, but some you have not. Those will start publishing in July.
A few projects have been shelved. Remember The Duckpin Podcast? It’s still not coming back anytime soon. It became too much of a hassle to produce, a victim of time more than anything else.
Remember The Duckpin Network, our own television network? We shuttered that too, not enough ROI for the amount of time it took to administer it.
A few things remain in development, including a few shows for Twitch streaming that may launch this fall.
Changes are coming. Thanks for coming along the last three years. Let’s go see what’s next.