It's disappointing, but not surprising, that you don't care about the ongoing bigotry and bullying that children are experiencing at CHS due to their skin color, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Instead, you misrepresent One Pasadena as being partisan. One of the things we don't shy away from doing is addressing our representatives when they demonstrate racism. If our Democrat representative demonstrates racism, he's just as likely to be called out on it.

BTW, according to your logic, the largest state homeschooling FB group (with over 13.5 thousand members) is also leftist - simply because I founded it and am one of the admins. Be sure to mention that next time. Like OP, the homeschooling group doesn't endorse candidates. Like OP, the homeschooling group does call for action when politicians do something that goes against our purpose.

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In a week, you've gone from we shouldn't talk about it -- "“Our children and grandchildren may yet curse the day we began hyping race and ethnicity. There are countries where that has led to slaughters in the streets but you cannot name a country where it has led to greater harmony.” -- to "We Need to Have a Conversation".

It's amazing the changes a community based organization, made of of Pasadena residents, like One Pasadena can do. We even opened your mind a bit.

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